Spatial Index: Grid Systems

This post is a continuation of Stomping Grounds: Spatial Indexes, but don’t worry if you missed the first part—you’ll still find plenty of new insights right here.

3. Geohash

Geohash: Invented in 2008 by Gustavo Niemeyer, encodes a geographic location into a short string of letters and digits. It's a hierarchical spatial data structure that subdivides space into buckets of grid shape using a Z-order curve (Section 2.).

3.1. Geohash - Intuition

Earth is round or more accurately, an ellipsoid. Map projection is a set of transformations represent the globe on a plane. In a map projection. Coordinates (latitude and longitude) of locations from the surface of the globe are transformed to coordinates on a plane. And GeoHash Uses Equirectangular projection

Figure 21: Equirectangular projection/ Equidistant Cylindrical Projection

The core of GeoHash is just an clever use of Z-order curves. Split the map-projection (rectangle) into 2 equal rectangles, each identified by unique bit strings.

Figure 22: GeoHash Level 1 - Computation

Observation: the divisions along X and Y axes are interleaved between bit strings. For example: an arbitrary bit string 01110 01011 00000, follows:

By futher encoding this to Base32 (0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz), we map a unique string to a quadrant in a grid and quadrants that share the same prefix are closer to each other; e.g. 000000 and 000001. By now we know that interleaving trace out a Z-order curve.

Figure 23: GeoHash Level 1 - Z-Order Curve

Higher levels (higher order z-curves) lead to higher precision. The geohash algorithm can be iteratively repeated for higher precision. That's one cool property of geohash, adding more characters increase precision of the location.

Figure 24: GeoHash Level 2

Despite the easy implementation and wide usage of geohash, it inherits the disadvantages of Z-order curves (Section 2.5): weakly preserved latitude-longitude proximity; does not always guarantee that locations that are physically close are also close on the Z-curve.

Adding on to it, is the use of equirectangular projection, where the division of the map into equal subspaces leads to unequal/disproportional surface areas, especially near the poles (northern and southern hemisphere). However, there are alternatives such as Geohash-EAS (Equal-Area Spaces).

3.2. Geohash - Implementation

To Convert a geographical location (latitude, longitude) into a concise string of characters and vice versa:

  • Convert latitude and longitude to a binary strings.
  • Interleave the binary strings of latitude and longitude.
  • Geohash: Convert the interleaved binary string into a base32 string.

3.2a. Geohash Encoder - Snippet
public class GeohashEncoder {

    public static String encodeGeohash(double latitude, double longitude, int precision) {
        // 1. Convert Lat and Long into a binary string based on the range.
        String latBin = convertToBinary(latitude, -90, 90, precision * 5 / 2);
        String lonBin = convertToBinary(longitude, -180, 180, precision * 5 / 2);

        // 2. Interweave the binary strings.
        String interwovenBin = interweave(lonBin, latBin);

        // 3. Converts a binary string to a base32 geohash.
        String geohash = binaryToBase32(interwovenBin);

        return geohash.substring(0, precision);

    private static String convertToBinary(double value, double min, double max, int precision) {
        StringBuilder binaryStr = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < precision; i++) {
            double mid = (min + max) / 2;
            if (value >= mid) {
                min = mid;
            } else {
                max = mid;
        return binaryStr.toString();

    private static String interweave(String str1, String str2) {
        StringBuilder interwoven = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < str1.length(); i++) {
        return interwoven.toString();

    private static String binaryToBase32(String binaryStr) {
        String base32Alphabet = "0123456789bcdefghjkmnpqrstuvwxyz";
        StringBuilder base32Str = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0; i < binaryStr.length(); i += 5) {
            String chunk = binaryStr.substring(i, Math.min(i + 5, binaryStr.length()));
            int decimalVal = Integer.parseInt(chunk, 2);
        return base32Str.toString();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        double latitude = 37.7749;
        double longitude = -122.4194;
        int precision = 5;
        String geohash = encodeGeohash(latitude, longitude, precision);
        System.out.println("Geohash: " + geohash);

3.3. Geohash - Conclusion

Similar to Section 2.7 (Indexing the Z-values); Geohashes convert latitude and longitude into a single, sortable string, simplifying spatial data management. A B-trees or search tree such as GiST/SP-GiST (Generalized Search Tree) index are commonly used for geohash indexing in databases.

Prefix Search: Nearby locations share common geohash prefixes, enabling efficient filtering of locations by performing prefix searches on the geohash column

Neighbor Searches: Generate geohashes for a target location and its neighbors to quickly retrieve nearby points. Which also extends to Area Searches: Calculate geohash ranges that cover a specific area and perform range queries to find all relevant points within that region.

Popular databases such as ClickHouse, MySQL, PostGIS, BigQuery, RedShift and many others offer built-in geohash function. And many variations have been developed, such as the 64-bit Geohash and Hilbert-Geohash

Interactive Geohash Visualization: /geohash

4. Google S2

4.1. S2 - Intuition

Google's S2 library was released more than 10 years ago and didn't exactly the get the attention it deserved, much later in 2017, Google announced the release of open-source C++ s2geometry library. With the use of Hilbert Curve (Section 2.2) and cube face (spherical) projection instead of geohash's Z-order curve and equirectangular projection; S2 addresses (to an extent) the large jumps (Section 2.5) problem with Z-order curves and disproportional surface areas associated with equirectangular projection.

The core of S2 is the hierarchical decomposition of the sphere into "cells"; done using a Quad-tree, where a quadrant is recursively subdivided into four equal sub-cells and the use of Hilbet Curve goes hand-in-hand - runs across the centers of the quad-tree’s leaf nodes.

4.2. S2 - Implementation

The overview of solution is to:

  • Enclose sphere in cube
  • Project point(s) p onto the cube
  • Build a quad-tree/hilbert-curve on each cube face (6 faces)
  • Assign ID to the quad-tree cell that contains the projection of point(s) p

Starting with the input co-ordinates, latitude (Degrees: -90° to +90°. Radians: -π/2 to π/2) and longitude (-180° to +180°. Radians: 0 to 2π). And WGS84 is a commmonly standard used in geocentric coordinate system.

4.2.1. (Lat, Long) to (X,Y,Z)

Covert p = (lattitude,longitude) => (x,y,z) XYZ co-ordinate system (x = [-1.0, 1.0], y = [-1.0, 1.0], z = [-1.0, -1.0]), based on coordinates on the unit sphere (unit radius), which is similar to Earth-centered, Earth-fixed coordinate system.

Figure 25: (lat, long) to (x, y, z) Transformation with ECEF

Where, (x, y, z): X-axis at latitude 0°, longitude 0° (equator and prime meridian intersection), Y-axis at latitude 0°, longitude 90° (equator and 90°E meridian intersection), Z-axis at latitude 90° (North Pole), Altitude (PM on Figure 25) = Height to the reference ellipsoid/Sphere (Zero for a Round Planet approximation)

4.2.2. (X,Y,Z) to (Face,U,V)

To map (x,y,z) to (face, u,v), each of the six faces of the cube is projected onto the sphere. The process is similar to UV Mapping: to project 3D model surface into a 2D coordinate space. where u and v denote the axes of the 2D plane. In this case, U,V represent the location of a point on one face of the cube.

The projection can simply be imagined as a unit sphere circumscribed by a cube. And a ray is emitted from the center of the sphere to obtain the projection of the point on the sphere to the 6 faces of the cube, that is, the sphere is projected into a cube.

Figure 26: (lat, long) to (x, y, z) and (x, y, z) to (face, u, v)

The face denotes which of the 6 (0 to 5) cube faces a point on the sphere is mapped onto. Figure 27, shows the 6 faces of the cube (cube mapping) after the projection. For a unit-sphere, for each face, the point u,v = (0,0) represent the center of the face.

Figure 27: Cube Face (Spherical) Projection

The evident problem here is that, the linear projection leads to same-area cells on the cube having different sizes on the sphere (Length and Area Distortion), with the ratio of highest to lowest area of 5.2 (areas on the cube can be up to 5.2 times longer or shorter than the corresponding distances on the sphere).

4.2.2a. S2 FaceXYZ to UV - Snippet
public static class Vector3 {
    public double x;
    public double y;
    public double z;

    public Vector3(double x, double y, double z) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;

public static int findFace(Vector3 r) {
    double absX = Math.abs(r.x);
    double absY = Math.abs(r.y);
    double absZ = Math.abs(r.z);

    if (absX >= absY && absX >= absZ) {
        return r.x > 0 ? 0 : 3;
    } else if (absY >= absX && absY >= absZ) {
        return r.y > 0 ? 1 : 4;
    } else {
        return r.z > 0 ? 2 : 5;

public static double[] validFaceXYZToUV(int face, Vector3 r) {
    switch (face) {
        case 0:
            return new double[]{r.y / r.x, r.z / r.x};
        case 1:
            return new double[]{-r.x / r.y, r.z / r.y};
        case 2:
            return new double[]{-r.x / r.z, -r.y / r.z};
        case 3:
            return new double[]{r.z / r.x, r.y / r.x};
        case 4:
            return new double[]{r.z / r.y, -r.x / r.y};
            return new double[]{-r.y / r.z, -r.x / r.z};

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Vector3 r = new Vector3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);
    int face = 0;
    double[] uv = validFaceXYZToUV(face, r);
    System.out.println("u: " + uv[0] + ", v: " + uv[1]);

The Cube Face is the largest absolute X,Y,Z component, when component is -ve, back faces are used.

Face and XYZ is mapped to UV by using the other two X, Y, Z components (other than largest component of face) and diving it by the largest component, a value between [-1, 1]. Additionally, some faces of the cube are transposed (-ve) to produce the single continuous hilbert curve on the cube.

4.2.3. (Face,U,V) to (Face,S,T)

The ST coordinate system is an extension of UV with an additional non-linear transformation layer to address the (Area Preservation) disproportionate sphere surface-area to cube cell mapping. Without which, cells near the cube face edges would be smaller than those near the cube face centers.

Figure 28: (u, v) to (s, t)

S2 uses Quadratic projection for (u,v) => (s,t). Comparing tan and quadratic projections: The tan projection has the least Area/Distance Distortion. However, quadratic projection, which is an approximation of the tan projection - is much faster and almost as good as tangent.

Area Ratio Cell → Point (µs) Point → Cell (µs)
Linear 5.20 0.087 0.085
Tangent 1.41 0.299 0.258
Quadratic 2.08 0.096 0.108

Cell → Point and Point → Cell represents the transformation from (U, V) to (S, T) coordinates and vice versa.

Figure 29: (face, u, v) to (face, s, t); for face = 0

For the quadratic transformation: Apply a square root transformation; sqrt(1 + 3 * u) and to maintain the uniformity of the grid cells

4.2.3a. S2 UV to ST - Snippet
public static double uvToST(double u) {
    if (u >= 0) {
        return 0.5 * Math.sqrt(1 + 3 * u);
    } else {
        return 1 - 0.5 * Math.sqrt(1 - 3 * u);

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // (u, v) values in the range [-1, 1]
    double u1 = 0.5;
    double v1 = -0.5;
    // Convert (u, v) to (s, t)
    double s1 = uvToST(u1);
    double t1 = uvToST(v1);

    System.out.println("For (u, v) = (" + u1 + ", " + v1 + "):");
    System.out.println("s: " + s1);
    System.out.println("t: " + t1);

4.2.4. (Face,S,T) to (Face,I,J)

The IJ coordinates are discretized ST coordinates and divides the ST plane into 230 × 230, i.e. the i and j coordinates in S2 range from 0 to 230 - 1. And represent the two dimensions of the leaf-cells (lowest-level cells) on a cube face.

Why 230? The i and j coordinates are each represented using 30 bits, which is 230 distinct values for both i and j coordinates (every cm² of the earth), this large range allows precise positioning within each face of the cube (high spatial resolution). The total number of unique cells is 6 x (230 × 230)

Figure 30: (face, s, t) to (face, i, j); for face = 0

4.2.4a. S2 ST to IJ - Snippet
public static int stToIj(double s) {
  return Math.max(
    0, Math.min(1073741824 - 1, (int) Math.round(1073741824 * s))

4.2.5. (Face,I,J) to S2 Cell ID

The hierarchical sub-division of each cube face into 4 equal quadrants calls for Hilbert Space-Filling Curve (Section 2.2): to enumerate cells along a Hilbert space-filling curve.

Figure 31: (face, i, j) to Hilbert Curve Position

Hilbert Curve preserves spatial locality, meaning, the values that are close on the cube face/surface, are numerically close in the Hilbert curve position (illustration in Figure 31 - Level 3).

Transformation: The Hilbert curve transforms the IJ coordinate position on the cube face from 2D to 1D and is given by a 60 bit integer (0 to 260).

4.2.5a. S2 IJ to S2 Cell ID - Snippet
public class S2CellId {
    private static final long MAX_LEVEL = 30;
    private static final long POS_BITS = 2 * MAX_LEVEL + 1;
    private static final long FACE_BITS = 3;
    private static final long FACE_MASK = (1L << FACE_BITS) - 1;
    private static final long POS_MASK = (1L << POS_BITS) - 1;

    public static long faceIjToCellId(int face, int i, int j) {
        // Face Encoding
        long cellId = ((long) face) << POS_BITS;
        // Loop from MAX_LEVEL - 1 down to 0
        for (int k = MAX_LEVEL - 1; k >= 0; --k) {
            // Hierarchical Position Encoding
            int mask = 1 << k;
            long bits = (((i & mask) != 0) ? 1 : 0) << 1 | (((j & mask) != 0) ? 1 : 0);
            cellId |= bits << (2 * k);
        return cellId;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int face = 2; 
        int i = 536870912;
        int j = 536870912;

        long cellId = faceIjToCellId(face, i, j);
        System.out.println("S2 Cell ID: " + cellId);

The S2 Cell ID is represented by a 64-bit integer,

    Figure 32: (face, i, j) to S2 Cell ID

  • the left 3 bits are used to represent the cube face [0-5],
  • the next following 60 bits represents the Hilbert Curve position,
  • with [0-30] levels; two bits for every higher order/level, followed by a trailing 1 bit, which is a marker to identify the level of the cell (by position).
  • and the last digits are padded with 0s
fffpppp...pppppppp1  # Level 30 cell ID
fffpppp...pppppp100  # Level 29 cell ID
fffpppp...pppp10000  # Level 28 cell ID
fffpp10...000000000  # Level 1 cell ID
fff1000...000000000  # Level 0 cell ID

Notice the position of trailing 1 and padded 0s, correlated to the level.

S2 Tokens are a string representation of S2 Cell IDs (uint64), which can be more convenient for storage.

4.2.5b. S2 Cell ID to S2 Token - Snippet
public static String cellIdToToken(long cellId) {
    // The zero token is encoded as 'X' rather than as a zero-length string
    if (cellId == 0) {
        return "X";

    // Convert cell ID to a hex string and strip any trailing zeros
    String hexString = Long.toHexString(cellId).replaceAll("0*$", "");
    return hexString;

public static void main(String[] args) {
    long cellId = 3383821801271328768L; // Given example value

    // Convert S2 Cell ID to S2 Token
    String token = cellIdToToken(cellId);

    System.out.println("S2 Cell ID: " + cellId);
    System.out.println("S2 Token: " + token);

It's similar to Geohash, however, prefixes from a high-order S2 token does not yield a parent lower-order token, because the trailing 1 bit in S2 cell ID wouldn't be set correctly. Convert S2 Cell ID to an S2 Token by encoding the ID into a base-16 (hexadecimal) string.

4.3. S2 - Conclusion

Google's S2 provides spatial indexing by using hierarchical decomposition of the sphere into cells through a combination of Hilbert curves and cube face (spherical) projection. This approach mitigates some of the spatial locality issues present in Z-order curves and offers more balanced surface area representations. S2's use of (face, u, v) coordinates, quadratic projection, and Hilbert space-filling curves ensures efficient and precise spatial indexing.

Closing with a strong pro and a con, S2 offers a high resolution of as low as 0.48 cm² cell size (level 30), but the number of cells required to cover a given polygon isn't the best. This makes it a good transition to talk about Uber's H3. The question is, Why Hexagons?

3. References
6. Christian S. Perone, "Google’s S2, geometry on the sphere, cells and Hilbert curve," in Terra Incognita, 14/08/2015, [Accessed: 12-Jun-2024].
7. B. Feifke, "Geospatial Indexing Explained," Ben Feifke, Dec. 2022. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 12-Jun-2024].
8. "S2 Concepts," S2 Geometry Library Documentation, 2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13-Jun-2024].
9. "Geospatial Indexing: A Look at Google's S2 Library," CNIter Blog, Mar. 2023. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13-Jun-2024].
10. "S2 Geometry Library," S2 Geometry, 2024. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 13-Jun-2024].

Cite this article as: Adesh Nalpet Adimurthy. (Jun 12, 2024). Spatial Index: Grid Systems. PyBlog.

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