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Debezium: PostgreSQL Change Data Capture

Figure 1: Debezium Postgres Connector 1. Goal Set up Debezium to capture row-level changes in the schemas of a PostgreSQL database and publish to Kafka topic(s). The high-level architecture is u...

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Postgres as a Graph Database

Neo4j vs PostgreSQL Have you ever come across the need to store a graph in a relational database because using/onboarding a graph database for a small use-case is overkill? Before jumping into u...

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Why You Should Reinvent the Wheel

Reinvent the Wheel! As I get slightly older and slightly wiser - to me, it’s more and more apparent that we humans live a life full of contradiction, are rarely self-satisfied, and thrive on lea...

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Distributed Model Training

Porco Rosso. Distributed Training Deep learning is a subset of machine learning, a branch of artificial intelligence to perform tasks through experience. Deep learning algorithms are well suited...

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Anatomy of a System Design Interview

Complex is Simple. What’s better than going over a real system design interview question (Interviewed in June 2022). 1. Requirements Review the end-to-end design below. You need to design Your ...