Hybrid Spatial Data Structures: Introduction
Let’s grow the trees! — Totoro. What’s a Spatial Index? A spatial index is a data structure that allows for accessing a spatial object efficiently, which is a commonly used technique in spatial ...
Let’s grow the trees! — Totoro. What’s a Spatial Index? A spatial index is a data structure that allows for accessing a spatial object efficiently, which is a commonly used technique in spatial ...
External Sorting — Totoro. External sorting is a class of sorting algorithms that can handle massive amounts of data. External sorting is required when the data being sorted does not fit into the...
Totoro — With logo colors (AWS, Docker, Nginx, Guinicorn, and Django). So far, we have seen how to dockerize the Django application and deploy the application on EC2. Installing Docker Engine on...
Totoro — With logo colors (AWS, Nginx, Guinicorn, and Django) If you are here, you are probably looking to deploy a Django project using AWS EC2 and docker without an orchestrator (ECS, EKS, or D...
Totoro — With logo colors (AWS, Docker, Nginx, Guinicorn, and Django) A step-by-step tutorial on dockerizing a Django application with MySQL database using Guinicorn and Nginx. This post assumes...
One Piece — Whaaaat? You don’t use Stock Pile? For most applications, it is quite crucial to store the request and response of APIs, especially while integrating with external service providers. ...
Don’t force-fit the switch-case (Spirited Away) Even before going ahead with an example, what is Visitor Pattern? Here is the Wikipedia definition. Let’s take a typical example for a Switch case...
Bob the builder, agrees! Construct your logs as good as Bob the Builder! Usually in most of the backend applications, a separate thread from the thread pool processes a client request. Once the ...
You are being watched 🤨 — Totoro “Should You Cover Your Smartphone Camera?” is a question trending since 2015 🤭 Covering laptop cameras with a piece of tape/slider to prevent surveillance is a c...