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Prime Video's Interactive Shopping Experience: Pause & Shop

"Pause & Shop" on Prime Video combines the thrill of shopping with the joy of entertainment, redefining the boundaries of engagement. Traditional streaming services often leave viewers with a fragmented experience. While engrossed in their favorite movies or shows, viewers frequently encounter products, costumes, or props that pique their interest, yet they lack an efficient ...

"Pause & Shop" on Prime Video combines the thrill of shopping with the joy of entertainment, redefining the boundaries of engagement. Traditional streaming services often leave viewers with a fragmented experience. While engrossed in their favorite movies or shows, viewers freq...

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Debezium: PostgreSQL Change Data Capture (CDC)

Figure 1: Debezium Postgres Connector 1. Goal Set up Debezium to capture row-level changes in the schemas of a PostgreSQL database and publish to Kafka topic(s). The high-level architecture is unquestionably explained in the above diagram 😎. Pikachu, aka Debezium PostgreSQL Connector, detects and carries/publishes row-level change events to Kafka topic(s) for configured Postgres tables. ...

Figure 1: Debezium Postgres Connector 1. Goal Set up Debezium to capture row-level changes in the schemas of a PostgreSQL database and publish to Kafka topic(s). The high-level architecture is unquestionably explained in the above diagram 😎. Pikachu, aka Debezium PostgreSQL Connector, detects ...

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Postgres as a Graph Database

Neo4j vs PostgreSQL Have you ever come across the need to store a graph in a relational database because using/onboarding a graph database for a small use-case is overkill? Before jumping into using a relational database like MySQL or PostgreSQL as a graph database, let’s lay down the fundamentals: What is a Graph? A graph is a set of vertices/nodes interconnected by edges/links. The edges ...

Neo4j vs PostgreSQL Have you ever come across the need to store a graph in a relational database because using/onboarding a graph database for a small use-case is overkill? Before jumping into using a relational database like MySQL or PostgreSQL as a graph database, let’s lay down the fundamen...

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Documentation: Conceptualization of a Cartogram

Explanation 1. What is a cartogram? Simply put, a cartogram is a map. But a cartogram is a unique type of map that combines statistical information such as population with geographic location. Typically, physical or topographical maps show relative area and distance, but they do not provide any data about the inhabitants or the population of a place. For example, a quick and intuitive view...

Explanation 1. What is a cartogram? Simply put, a cartogram is a map. But a cartogram is a unique type of map that combines statistical information such as population with geographic location. Typically, physical or topographical maps show relative area and distance, but they do not provide ...

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